Semantics. A Discourse Perspective.

Alonso, Pilar.

Referencia: J0562
ISBN: 8495687798
Editorial: Septem Ediciones
Año: 2005
Ciudad: Oviedo
Edición: Primera edición.
Medidas: 17x24
22.10€ Impuesto incluido No disponible

Semantics. A Discourse Perspective.

This book offers an accessible and comprehensive introduction to some of the major current theories of semantics. Taking a step by step approach to the subject, it starts with the formalist theories and moves through the cognitive approaches to meaning, to examine in detail the methods and results of the semantics of text and discourse with a special emphasis on the topics of cohesion, coherence and the process of interpretation. Interior del libro en muy buen estado. Páginas: 177. Ilustrador: .

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